Plant-based plastic-free chewing gum: what's the catch with other gum?

Does chewing gum have plastic in it?!

A couple of customers noticed the chewing gum sitting on the counter this morning.

'It says that this gum is plastic free? Does that mean that other chewing gums have plastic in them?!'

Yes, yes it does!

Before we started stocking Chewsy gum, I have to be honest and admit that I'd never actually thought about it before.

The thought of having plastic in your chewing gum seems ridiculous, and frankly, pretty disgusting! But most chewing gums do have plastic in them. It's what makes the gum chewy, and is often stated as a 'gum base' in the ingredients. This gum base often consists of plastic and different chemicals, including polyethylene - which is also found in things such as plastic bags and bottles. Eek!

Plastic free chewing gum

So, we stock Chewsy chewing gum as it is plant-based, sugar free, 100% biodegradable and PLASTIC-FREE! It also comes in a range of flavours - cinnamon, lemon, spearmint and peppermint. That definitely sounds much more like it!

Why not pop into the shop and pick some up or order online?


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